Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sega Rally Commercial
This is why the Japanese are so good at drifting. LOTS of practice. With Forza and everything that is stateside nowadays...expect to see some real talent...or alot of kids trying to "drift" their Civics and parents Buicks :)
Last week we had a few days that temperatures got into the high 60's. I was excited for the warm up but when I walked out of the gym last night it was snowing. What a tease. I also got a picture from a friend on vacation in Hawaii to add to my winter blues. Thanks. Good thing March is just a few days away and spring is right around the corner!

My Hub Isn't the Coolest Hub
I think with a little rattlecanage it will fit right in with the rich kids though. It showed up on my door step today and, in my opinion, had a bunch of unnecessary garbage on it. So I got it naked and decided I'll spray it flat black, or white, or green....maybe pink.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
521 Goodie Goodness
In white. The car belongs to JDM671 on Zilvia. Well done! In my eyes, there's not a thing wrong with rocking XXRs.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I've been collecting some for awhile now...some from parts and some I've purchased. I've been keeping them in a Badtz-Maru bag that one of my brother's friends picked up for me while in Japan. She used to live there and actually knew quite a bit about s-chassis cars which was cool. I'm gonna gather a few more and then sticker bomb my coupes windows. My bros madness has begun....

Steering Wheel Showed Up Today
Or yesterday. Or whatever. Big thanks again to Brian in Japan for all his help. Thanks man! I can't wait to mount this up in the S14. Hopefully my quick release and hub show up sooner than later. I gave the steering wheel a little flare with an extra Fatlace sticker Taylor had laying around. I think it's kinda rad in its own way...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Hella Nice Weather
crazy weather,
layin' frame,
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What a Coincidence
So my bro and I skipped school today. Why? Because we had a paper due. No big fucking deal...whatever. So we go to vatozone to meet up with manny. We show up like a half hour before the store closes because were gonna grab some food and I finished a dope ass wink mirror for him. So were sitting there bullshitting when five minutes before close a guy walks in. I thought nothing of it until I notice who it is. My fucking teacher. What a coinkydink...he proceeded to tell us that he didn't see us in class today. I responded with, "No you did not, our car broke down so that's why were here." Lol. Should be a good semester.
Coinkydink is such a gay word...

Coinkydink is such a gay word...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Haven't blogged in a few days. Updates coming soon. Happy late Valentine's day to all of you guys. Stumbled upon this video while listening to Joey Diamond. Check it out.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Fixie Riding
Rode my bro's around today and it kicked my ass. I can see myself putting one together for myself soon.
Friday, February 11, 2011
fog lights,
rain guards,
window visors
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Monkey Boys At It Again
ass to mouth,
shitty photography
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Are happening. And they will continue to happen. For better or worse, there is no stopping them. I have my goals set high, chin up, bro by my side. Every day we're getting just a little closer to where we need to be.

Don't Text and Drive
One of our teachers showed us this in class today. I no longer text and drive. And neither should you.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Going to the Doctor
I'm diabetic, and it's time for a check up. Im going to the same doctor that I've went to since i was first diagnosed at seven. Kind of cool seeing the same people for so long. Hopefully all is well with the diet I'm on and hitting the gym. It's time to get serious again...gotta fit in a bride lol.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Greddy Header
Finally have it in my posession. I still need a dp/test pipe and catback to complete my exhaust setup. I'm still on the fence for which one I want but I have a few in mind. I definitely want a flex section and possibly solid motor mounts since these headers tend to crack at the collector. They're pretty rare for an NA KA though, I've only seen a handful, and the price I paid for it was half of what they usually sell for. Hopefully it will help my car breathe better and unleash a little power until I can go forced induction. I want it to be extra loud and obnoxious lol

These things came in the mail today. They're Hi/Lo so I'm stoked to see them in my car and how many people get pissed off because they have no cutoff lol. 6000k here we come.
Saturday Mail
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
I Got Banned From Zilvia
For doing nothing. Apparently the mods think Taylor and I are one person using multiple usernames. How fun it is to be a twin =)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Seats Are Ready To Ship
Took the rear seats out today and finished boxing them up. I had to make my own box for them out of four other boxes since they're so big lol. Its not pretty but it will do the job. There's a kid in Cali supposed to pick em up. Sucked balls working in the snow but it was good for her. Needed to breathe lol. Hopefully next season she'll have a new home in a new garage. Sorry baby.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
K Sports Are Gone
Sold these guys to a fellow member on Zilvia. They're actually going on jrsink's old vert. Always loved that car. Thing was so rad in it's own way.

Chuki Fogs
My spare set arrived at my door step a few days ago. I'm a happy fellow :) I recently sourced an oem switch as well so hopefully the guy pulls through with it.

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