So my bro and I skipped school today. Why? Because we had a paper due. No big fucking deal...whatever. So we go to vatozone to meet up with manny. We show up like a half hour before the store closes because were gonna grab some food and I finished a dope ass wink mirror for him. So were sitting there bullshitting when five minutes before close a guy walks in. I thought nothing of it until I notice who it is. My fucking teacher. What a coinkydink...he proceeded to tell us that he didn't see us in class today. I responded with, "No you did not, our car broke down so that's why were here." Lol. Should be a good semester.
Coinkydink is such a gay word...

Coinkydink is such a gay word...
i remember that door opening and i got mad cuz it was last minute, and guys sayin ohh mann!! hahahaha btw my wink mirror looks dope thanks fellas
Anything for my brodozer. Dude he actually didn't mention it to us in class...he's aight I guess lol. Yeah Randy let him in and locked the door and then he unlocked it to let his wife in haha
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